Contact us

Please read the information below concerning Panasonic's policy on personal information practices on the website, and indicate your consent by clicking the "I agree" button. This will take you to the "Other Questions" section.

Note: You cannot proceed to "Other Questions" if you do not indicate your consent to the contents below. Thank you for your understanding.

Important notice: E-mail support is only available in English

Personal Information Practices

(1) Company’s name and the name of the personal information protection manager

Panasonic Automotive Systems Asia Pacific (Thailand) Co.,Ltd

(2) Purposes of use of personal information

The Company will make use of the personal information provided for purposes of replying, checking and recording the inquiries.

The Company will not make use of the personal information for any other purposes.

(3) Provision of personal information

The Company will not provide personal information we have obtained to any third party unless it is:

a) permitted by the individuals who have sent the inquiries,

b) permitted by the law,

c) provide personal information to any acquirer of over 50 per cent of the Company’s assets or ,

d) to protect life, body or estate, when impossible to get permission from the individuals who have sent the inquiries,

e) to provide personal information to any company controlled by the Company, that controls the Company, or is under the control of Panasonic Corporation to resolve the inquiry, reply and record it.

(4) Deletion of personal information

The Company will delete personal information once the enquiry has been resolved.

(5) Right to access information about processing of personal information

When the individuals who have sent the inquiries request, the Company will respond to:

a) notify them of the purpose,

b) disclose the content of the personal information held,

c) revise or make corrections to personal information,

d) add new information,

e) remove personal information which is no longer relevant,

f) stop personal information processing’

g) dispose of all personal information held’ or terminate the provision of personal information to third parties.

For requests concerning any of the above actions, please contact:

Panasonic Automotive Systems Asia Pacific (Thailand) Co.,Ltd 101 Moo 2, Teparak Road, T.Bangsaothong, A.Bangsaothong, Samutprakarn 10540 Thailand.

(6) Notes on how to use the website

a) complete the necessary fields,

b) describe questions, comments, etc precisely,

c) the Company may contact individuals by telephone,

d) the Company may need time to reply on Saturday, Sunday, National holiday, year-end and New Year holidays,

e) Under copyright law, individuals cannot copy all or use secondarily any information posted on the website without the Company's permission

(7) Acquisition of personal information by means that cannot identify indivisuals easily

We do not obtain personal information using means such as cookies or Web beacons by which individuals can be easily identified.

(8) E-mail

If you have any questions, please send an E-mail to this address

Important notice: We can respond to your enquiry in English only!